Sunday, November 30, 2008

OHSS - Part Two

It has returned. I feel just as I did post Egg Retrieval; extremely bloated and having to urinate as if I have been in a pub for 4 hours slamming pints. Luckily it's nothing more than that. I read that this is somewhat common for women going through IVF and then become pregnant - the ovaries swell right back up again. Hopefully it won't last the TWELVE WEEKS that I also read about.


Petrucia said...

I didn't know you had a bit of that post retrieval. Well, I hope it's just that and it goes away soon.
The fact that you are peeing a lot is probably good, so you are not holding liquids. ;)

Emily said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling great...

Hope it subsides soon!

KandiB said...

Congratulations! A little peeing every 20 minutes is worth it, right? Mine lasted 10 weeks (the peeing). And I was totally bloated for about the same.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Oh no! I've heard of that happening. I hope it goes away soon. But be careful... and if it gets really bad, go in. I hear gatorade and protein are great helpers...

Rachie Pachie said...

Ooo, that stinks! I sure hope it doesn't last 12 weeks!

LOL about the slamming pints in the pub, though!

Thanks so much for the encouragement on my blog. I guess I just didn't expect too much on that appt with it being so early, but then to increase my meds that much... got me nervous! I go back on Wednesday & will hopefully have all those itty-bitty ones growing!