Sunday, November 30, 2008

OHSS - Part Two

It has returned. I feel just as I did post Egg Retrieval; extremely bloated and having to urinate as if I have been in a pub for 4 hours slamming pints. Luckily it's nothing more than that. I read that this is somewhat common for women going through IVF and then become pregnant - the ovaries swell right back up again. Hopefully it won't last the TWELVE WEEKS that I also read about.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I tested Thanksgiving and got a FAINT one and was dubious. I tested Friday and it was darker. Tested today and it was Darker!

So just for my records; I first tested and got a BFP on 10DPO / or 5dp5dt! This pic taken 12DPO / 7dp5dt.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Transfer Day!

8am - Had acupuncture here!

9:15am - At the clinic for the transfer. The Embryo report on this day, day 5, was 2 "excellent" blasts and 11 more close behind. We opted to transfer one today. We froze the other and with luck, will freeze more tomorrow. The procedure was very similar to what I read your procedures to be like: Hubby dressed out and went in the room with me. The embryologist showed us a video of the Blast that was to be transfered. And D kept us all in stitches today. My husband won 20 bonus points with me today. He was GREAT! I really admire the staff at this clinic and there was just a lot of good vibes. (I think the big doc was hoping we would transfer two)

11a- back for follow up at the acupuncture clinic and I love this doc. She's the maternal acupuncture doc I always wanted and never knew I did ;-)

noon- sushi

3p - home in front of fire and cuddling with dog.

more about blasts here - ofcourse this was not our blast, but it sure did look just like this. with the inner cell mass as such.

Happy Happy Day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My blogland friends

My blog is primarily to journal my IVF technical details. But between the lines have grown a very warm and fuzzy feeling. As soon as I click publish, you are there. All of you are really with me in this. When my husband can't get excited about embryos reports (no dis on him) - there you are. When one of our sisters gets bad news, we flood in with sympathy. I really appreciate you all and am honored to be amongst you.


Day 3 Embryo Report

13 embies still growing!?!

1- 5 cell good
1- 6 cell good
2- 8 cell good
4- 8 cell excellent / good
5- 8 cell excellent

They said we're 'going to blast' . Transfer on Saturday morning. Nurse said we need to decide to transfer one or two. Yikes. This is a big question. We're nervous about twins and I'm not really one of those who secretly hopes for twins. - Yet I am confident that I can handle what I am given - or not given.

Back to Doctor Google for some advice. Your advice / experience is welcome!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Embryo Quality Report

48 hours post ER

We still have 13 embies - and I am shocked.
3=2 cell good
1=3 cell good
3=4 cell good
2=4 cell excellent / good
3=4 cell excellent
1=5 cell excellent

Nurse said they are apparently doing great in the incubator and we are looking at a 5 day (blastocycst) transfer on Saturday morning - Unless some degradation happens this evening in which case we will be called in for a transfer tomorrow.

(pic posted is not mine but pasted from this excellent site

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fertilization Report

13 of the 14 eggs fertilized. (The nurse said that 60% fert. rate is normal at this clinic). so, Yeah!

Quality report will be tomorrow.

so many hurdles.

As far as recovery from the ER, I am just a little sore. Not even taking the pain med they presecribed - yet. So many drugs; Today I am on an antibiotic, a steroid, and a progesterone suppository.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Retrieval Report

They gave me warm booties and a warm blanket and a chill pill as soon as I walked in the door. How 'bout that? I wish every procedure I had thus far at the clinic had been like that. What a difference a blanket can make when you're waiting in a cold fluorescent room.

They got 14 eggs. (no news on maturity, but before I went under, the doc doing the harvesting said he reviewed 9 big ones prior to walking in the door)

Another hurdle accomplished.

I am not particularly sore. But I slept like a fool today. As soon as I got in the car (noon) to now (6p) I've been sound asleep and couldn't lift an eyelid or keyboard. It's been a nice day.

AND BIG GOOD NEWS for me ; I was anxious about the PIO shots which are 1.5 " and D. would have to administer. Supposedly the oil hurts going in and we would have to keep this up for many weeks. I asked about alternatives and they gave me a newer drug call endometrian - suppositories. Thrilled about this!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Stim Check #3 - Trigger tonight

13 Follies (11-21mm).
E2 = 2937
Progesterone = 1.52

Doc says everything is A-OK!

ER at 10 on Monday Nov 17th.

So this means I only stimmed for 6 days. (Monday thru Saturday morning) The norm is >8. I didn't ask about the disparity b/c doc appeared very confident about successful retrieval. Besides, it's out of my control. Doc mentioned lead egg might be past it's prime by ER, but the remainder should be perfect.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Stim Check #2

11 eggs measured and recorded today
(from 9mm to 19 mm)
E2 =2363
Progesterone = 1.07

My ovaries are SORE! The wand even made me yelp today. Can't imagine how they're going to feel by Monday.

They want to do ER on Monday, yet have asked me to drive back in tomorrow AM for the 3rd straight day in a row. (my drive is 1.5 hours each way)

In the Woe is Me category:
1. My beloved Gran is on her deathbed and in utter dementia 6 hours away. Family plans and ER / ET pose a little logistical challenge.
2. Immediately following Stim Check #2 this AM, I told my husband which day ER would be. one hour later he told me was going out of town on that day to buy / or sell a motorcycle. In one hour he had completely forgotten his meagre part in this ! 'Scuze me while I go inject myself some more.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stim Check #1 - recalled to clinic

First stim check was this morning. About 13 antral follicles measuring from 9-16mm. Doc said multiple times, "You're doing just fine."

Clinic just called with E2 lab results and they need me back in first thing in the morning. 1500. After 5 or 6 days of stims. (even on low dose IUI cycles, I never got above 300 by O day)

It can't be too critical b/c they told me to do my normal med dose tonight.

Rhetorical Questions: will they cancel? or if they continue with ER and have to do it early will the eggs be mature enough?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Too Much Information

It's been a while, but I had one of those nights again - too much time on the web reading about Infertility. The gals on FF are wonderful but I come away from these support groups more stressed than I should be. Continuously reading about treatment failures and what-ifs is not the best medicine for me. This last month I took off of TTC it was a happy month. I also took off from the web (except for blogs - why do blogs feel happier?) Aside from the support groups, I can get lost in medical journals and reports about negative things. Enough of that. I know better.

When I goto the doc now I don't ask for my levels. This past U/S the doc asked me why I didn't look at the screen? "What can I do about those blobs?" Sure I like the info and I'll post some of it here as I move along this cycle for my journal's sake. But really, if my levels are such and such and my sacs are such and such, then that's that.

Letting Go.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

U/S CD 1

All clear and ready to start injections! E2 Levels were fine. My first Lupron shot was this morning. Monday starts the Gonal - F. New doc / intern was doing the wanding and he could not find my ovaries. I was able to crack some jokes and ease his stress. He counted about 8 antral follicles on each side.