They gave me warm booties and a warm blanket and a chill pill as soon as I walked in the door. How 'bout that? I wish every procedure I had thus far at the clinic had been like that. What a difference a blanket can make when you're waiting in a cold fluorescent room.
They got 14 eggs. (no news on maturity, but before I went under, the doc doing the harvesting said he reviewed 9 big ones prior to walking in the door)
Another hurdle accomplished.
I am not particularly sore. But I slept like a fool today. As soon as I got in the car (noon) to now (6p) I've been sound asleep and couldn't lift an eyelid or keyboard. It's been a nice day.
AND BIG GOOD NEWS for me ; I was anxious about the PIO shots which are 1.5 " and D. would have to administer. Supposedly the oil hurts going in and we would have to keep this up for many weeks. I asked about alternatives and they gave me a newer drug call endometrian - suppositories. Thrilled about this!