Maybe you don't live in my state, but your Point of View is very important to me. I appear to be going all the way with this. I am morphing into a more educated, strong opponent on the subject due to the comments you are leaving here. Press releases, letters to Reps, and perhaps an appearance at the capital might result because of the aid I am receiving in your comments. I don't feel alone.
Still looking for other residents.
Keep 'em coming and thank you very much.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
Here from a comment left on my blog by your MIL. To reach the IF blogging community, I'd suggest that you submit this to Lost and Found and Connections Abound. You could also try IF bulletin boards, esp. those with a regional focus.
I'd also second what others have said about getting the message out in the media. Contrasting an experience like yours with examples from non-insured states such as people paying out of pocket make a compelling case on TV or newspaper articles to show how good the citizens of Arkansas have it. For example, I just paid $14K out of pocket for the current IVF cycle, and I've spent around $50K total. The earlier comment about higher order multiples from injectibles makes a great point about that being more costly for health care than IVF. The fact that infertility is 1 in 6 makes it a story of widespread importance.
Finally, I'd suggest that you come up with concrete actions for people to take, particularly those who live in Arkansas (or know someone who does). Letters and calls to this representative's office as well as all of the other reps who might vote on it could go far to defeating the bill if it does come up for a vote.
Good luck with your battle!
I don't have really any suggestions to make besides the ones i'm already seeing around here.
I just wanted to let you know that I admire you for taking on this cause. It's no small thing to get out of your comfort zone and give strong voice to something you believe in. Brava!
I don't even live in Arkansas and I don't know how I found your blog but I wanted to let you know I sent him an email! I had triplets in 2006 after our 4th IVF attempt and the total cost of our hospitalizations was clost to $500,000. This is much more than the amount we spent on IVF. Although my children are healthy, it would have been in my state's best interested to cover IVF rather than our HUGE medical bill! Good luck!
I think what people fail to recognize is that infertility is a medical condition. It isn't a situation created by a bunch of couples who can't accept reality.
If I had a hormonal imbalance that made my hair fall out, my insurance would pay for treatment without question.
If I had a physical malformation that kept me from walking, insurance would pay for that. Not so with a malformed uterus or abnormal sperm.
Insurance will pay to treat PCOS if it makes you fat, but will not go so far as to treat it to help you get pregnant.
For women with damages tubes, there is no option other than IVF.
I think that so many people get hung up on thinking that if you can't get pregnant naturally that you just aren't meant to get pg. Well, excuse me, but that just doesn't fly with me. I get that IVF is expensive, but if everyone had coverage for it the risk would be spread out such that the expense would not be so weighted to just small groups.
This also goes to the issue that insurance is just not working. If we could shop for insurance on the open market rather than go through our employers then we would be able to employ competition to demand IF coverage. As it stands now, the market (the employees) cannot demand IF the coverage. Few employers are going to shop for IF coverage for their employees so there is no competition and no demand from the market. We need to work on making a stand to move away from employer based health coverage to a policy that we own.
And another thing...all cancer is covered. I'm pretty sure that a whole lot more people get cancer than the 6 percent of the population that is infertile. We all know that cancer treatment is hugely expensive, but it's something that has been factored into the cost of health insurance. Once the IF coverage were in place and the cost spread around, we would all see that it's not so much.
oh I'm not done talking...the IF community in Arkansas and all of the families that this bill could potentially effect is the first thing I thought about when I woke up this morning. Blog post coming soon...
I, the Canadian, have nothing to contribute. :)
I wish you the best with this fight though, and am cheering you on!
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